Celebrating The Women Of Riverlodge
By Carson CollaboratorCelebrating The Women Of Riverlodge
South Africa's National Women's Day origins can be traced as far back as 9 August 1956 when women from different racial, cultural and religious backgrounds gathered in unity to protest against "pass laws." These laws required black South Africans to carry internal passports under The Population Registration Act. The march was organised and led by women who were mostly anti-apartheid activists including Lilian Masediba Matabane Ngoyi, Helen Beatrice Joseph, Rahima Moosa, and Sophia Theresa Williams-de Bruyn. The march's impact is still felt to this day and is attributed to helping women gain 48.7% representation in government. As National Women's Day's principles are based on those International Women's Day we've chosen to go with the same IWD 2020 theme of #EachForEqual. Riverlodge Backpackers has chosen to commemorate this day by celebrating the women that help make our hostel the success it is even through a global pandemic. We asked them what they would like to say to other women on National Women's Day:
Dee Heare (General Manager)
"Women have deserved so much than just a day in a year. The power they have inside is enormous. This day is a reminder for every human being in the world to love and admire women, for they deserve it. Wishing you a phenomenal National Women’s Day."
Elellwang Mojaje Bosman (Administrator)
"Throughout history, women have been abused and mistreated and to a degree, this still prevails today. If we as women start loving each other and supporting each other, embracing our differences, take away the veil from our eyes and stop competing amongst ourselves, we will go far. National Women's Day is a time of reflection, acknowledging or and embracing woman's achievements, supporting each other even, and remembering that we are more than the world tells us we are."
Hlalanathi Jumba (Housekeeping)
"Such an amazing opportunity to thank all of the beautiful, wonderful, charming women out there! Especially the women that have spent all their lives in townships or rural areas, their strength is beyond admirable. Thank you for making life possible, thank you for being so different and strong! Happy Women’s Day!"
For all the South African women out there, Riverlodge Backpackers is offering accommodation at discounted rates as our gift to you for National Women's Day. Happy Women's Day, we appreciate and love you all Immensely!
All images courtesy of Riverlodge Backpackers.