Baz Bus Cape Peninsula Tour Done!

Baz Bus Cape Peninsula Tour Done!

Cape Town's Baz Bus Peninsula Tour

Hello everyone!!

Yesterday I went on the Baz Bus aaaand did the Cape Peninsula Tour! When the lady on the phone told me that they were going to pick me up at 7:00am I have to say I wasn’t very thrilled since I am not a morning person at all. I mean I could be, if morning started at noon.

The driver picked me up at 7:15am and drove me to the office. From there, we picked up the rest of the group. I was happy when I heard that it was a pretty international group: British, more Dutch, Canadians, Americans and Germans, amongst others.

The first stop was Seal Island! We went into a boat that felt more like a roller coaster since the waves were brutal. They were shaking the entire boat in such a way that if you were standing up you had to move your feet to keep balance and it looked pretty much like you were dancing a cowboy country song.

Of course, I took a Titanic-Jack and Rose-look a like- picture! Sadly, I couldn’t find a Leo Dicaprio to take a picture with :(

"Jack, I'm flying!"

The seal islands were a group of rocks where a bunch of seals were chilling on top of it, or swimming around or seal-surfing through the waves.

The next stop was seeing the penguins!! I can't stress enough how badly I wanted to see the penguins. It was basically the only thing I was thrilled about when I arrived in Cape Town. It was a pretty cloudy and cold day but I enjoyed watching the penguins very much. Watching the penguins run was hilarious, they looked like little toddlers who are just learning to run and keep falling down and swing from side to side. I thought they were going to be friendlier though, but when I tried to take a close up from one penguin and he almost bit my finger I didn’t think they were friendly anymore. One piece of advice guys, don’t get too close to a penguin!


After that, Chapman’s peak was the next stop. It was breathtaking to see the sea, together with the mountains topped with the clouds. To make things better, they gave us a muffin and some orange juice! Yummy

The Cape Peninsula Baz Bus tour guide was amazing, he kept telling us all kinds of interesting facts about the city as we were passing by. Did you know that Simon’s Town is named after the Dutch governor that ruled there in the 1800’s? He wanted to name the whole city Simon’s Town, but when the British came they didn’t think that was a very good idea, so they just gave the name Simon to one town.

The next stop was Cape Point! We had to bike about 5km to the visitor’s centre where we were getting lunch. Some sandwiches with delicious toppings, fruits and orange juice.

I met the most interesting people on this tour. There was an American girl from New Jersey, who had studied psychology. After a while, she decided that she wasn’t interested in humans anymore. So what did she do? She decided to work with apes instead. Right now she’s doing an internship here in Cape Town taking care of monkeys, observing their behaviour and taking care of them, as the species are in danger of extinction (unluckily I dont remember which species exactly) I also met a couple from Los Angeles who had a farm and worked in the wine industry, they just decided to drop everything and Bam! move to Cape Town.

After lunch we went up to the old lighthouse. I was once again speechless by seeing the view. The sea must have had about 100 different shades of blue that mixed all together when the waves broke into the rocks, making it the most beautiful mix of colours.

Sadly, after that it was time to drive back home :(

But my Cape Peninsula Baz Bus tour didn’t end there, on our way back we saw a pack of baboons! With their red butts and their flat faces I thought they were the funniest-looking creatures ever.

And that was my Cape Peninsula Baz Bus Peninsula Tour guys! For anyone who is not from Cape Town I totally recommend you doing it! Great people, great service, and great views!!


Riverlodge Backpackers is an accredited Baz Bus stop.


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